Thursday 3 December 2009

Despre atitudini europene cu privire la musulmani

iata un articol informativ din European Voice prilejuit de recent si absurdul vot anti-minarete din Elvetia. Autorul prezinta acest vot ca semnalnd un trend european, nu ca pe un eveniment exceptional. Avem si noi pe ai nostri - numai ca la un nivel intelectual mult mai redus - ie: misionarismul lui Basescu.

The minaret vote, Europe's call to show bias
By Judith Sunderland
02.12.2009 / 17:00 CET
It is not just in Switzerland that intolerance of Muslims is rising.
The vote on Sunday amending Switzerland's constitution to ban the construction of minarets on Switzerland's (few) mosques is a sad reflection of the growing intolerance toward Muslims evident across western Europe.CONTINUARE