Dosarul la care lucrez de cativa ani impreuna cu colegii de la CRJ,
Valentin Campeanu v Romania, pendinte la CEDO, a fost inclus in
raportul anual pe 2012 al Amnesty International privind starea drepturilor omului in lume. Acesta este paragraful relevant:
In June, the European Court of Human Rights asked the Romanian government to submit information on the case of Valentin Câmpeanu, an HIV-positive Romani man with mental illness who died in 2004 at the Poiana Mare Psychiatric Hospital. The official investigation into the circumstances of his death was allegedly marked by procedural irregularities. It did not result in any charges against staff from the institutions where he was kept during the last months of his life. The case was brought to the Court by NGOs, the Centre for Legal Resources and INTERIGHTS, who asked the Court to adapt its admissibility criteria so as to allow NGOs to bring cases on behalf of a person with disabilities, even in the absence of specific authorization. The NGOs argued that inappropriate care and living conditions at the psychiatric hospital directly contributed to Valentin Câmpeanu’s death.
Congratulation!!We need people like you -to be the voice for the voiceless.