Cateva reflectii pe marginea acestui comunicat de presa si a problemei de fond in ceea ce priveste implementarea hotararilor in dosarul Hadareni. Pe tot cursul acestui program, guvernul (si aici vorbesc inclusiv de ANR ca agentie guvernamentala) a actionat cu incetineala si fara entuziasm. Nu pot sa ma pronunt daca e vorba de incapacitate adminsitrativa (adica delasare, incompetenta) sau rea vointa.
Mai intai a durat aproximativ un an pana cand programul Hadareni 2006-2008 a fost publicat in Monitorul Oficial. Dupa aceea bunul-mers al programului a fost afectat de incapacitatea administrativa a ANR de a desfasura programe de dezvoltare comunitara pe scara celei necesare la Hadareni. Numai ca recunoasterea de catre ANR a incapacitatii sale nu s-a intamplat de azi pe maine - a durat un an si jumatate, pe cheltuiala, timpul si energia comunitatii din Hadareni, tot acest timp fiind marcat de numeroase scandaluri (cum ar fi spre exemplu cel privind casele ce trebuiau reconstruite} . Dupa aceea ANR a incredintat executarea programului UNDP, care sa zicem ca are experienta necesara. Eforturile UNDP au fost insa impiedicate de intarzierea cu care Guvernul a alocat fondurile (care erau deja bugetate) necesare executarii lucrarilor pe 2007 - banii au devenit disponibili abia in octombrie!. Avem de a face cu aceeasi problema acum - bani alocati cu mare intarziere (NB-banii pentru anul acesta nu au fost efectiv alocati!) ceea ce inseamna ca practic lucrari ce trebuiu executate intr-un an intreg vor fi inghesuite in (nici) trei luni (la fel ca in 2007), cand conditiile climaterice vor fi cele mai dificile.
Chiar daca pana la urma toate actiunile la care Guvernul s-a angajat vor fi in teorie bifate, este necesara o analiza super critica a succesului/insucces ului programului. O data pentru ca aceste activitati sunt cruciale pentru pacea si bunastarea comunitatii din Hadareni, si a doua oara pentru ca prgramul Hadareni va servi ca model in celelte trei dosare pe care Guvernul le-a pierdut/le va pierde in aceleasi imprejurari - Plaiesii/Casinu/ Bolintin - or daca programul Hadareni se dovedeste a fi un esec rasunator, altfel se negociaza celelalte programe.
In sfarsit - pentru a nu uita de unde am pornit, actiunea lui IStvan este bine motivata si absolut meritorie, si e bine sa fin toti bine informati in legatura cu toata aceasta problema.
Un blog bilingv despre drepturile omului in Romania si in Europa/A bilingual blog about human rights in Romania and Europe
Friday, 3 October 2008
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Greva foamei
Prietenul Istvan Haller a intrat astazi in greva foamei in semn de protest impotriva nerespectarii de catre Guvern a obligatiilor ce ii revin in baza a trei condamnari CEDO in legatura cu trei pogromuri impotriva romilor ce au avut loc la inceputul anilor 90, intre care si Hadareni. Pe langa motivatia legitima a grevei, actiunea lui Istvan este remarcabila, demonstrand ca inca mai exista oameni care cred in principii si pot sa-si riste sanatatea intru apararea lor. Trimiteti acest apel mai departe, as relevant.
Informare pentru presă
Greva foamei pentru nerespectarea hotărârilor CEDO
Prin soluţionarea amiabilă a cazurilor Moldovan şi alţii împotriva României (5 iulie 2005), Kalanyos şi alţii împotriva României (26 aprilie 2007) şi Gergely împotriva României (26 aprilie 2007) Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului a luat act de declaraţia Guvernului României prin care acesta s-a angajat să adopte măsuri generale în scopul combaterii discriminării romilor, urmând ca respectarea acestor angajamente să fie monitorizată de către Comitetul de Miniştri al Consiliul Europei.
În primul caz s-a elaborat un proiect la nivelul satului Hădăreni, care însă nu a fost finalizat, Guvernul blocând în mod repetat fondurile alocate (nefiind realizat până în momentul de faţă obiectul principal al proiectului, şi anume reconstrucţia caselor distruse şi crearea de locuri de muncă, Guvernul României), în cel de-al doilea şi treilea caz Guvernul României a renunţat la proiecte sub pretextul că primarul din comuna Plăieşii de Jos s-ar opune acestora.
Comitetul de Miniştri al Consiliul Europei, deşi informat de situaţie, nu a luat nici o măsură.
Fiind implicat în soluţionarea acestor cazuri, văzând că guvernele României din 1993 şi până azi au mnţit în mod repetat atât romii din Hădăreni cât şi opinia publică românească şi internaţională, am decis să declanşez greva foamei pentru a obţine respectarea hotărârilor date de CEDO. Acţiunea mea nu priveşte doar victimele acestor cazuri, ci toate persoanele aflate pe teritoriul României, care pot deveni victimele unor abuzuri ale autorităţilor, şi care au nevoie de protecţia oferită de Convenţia europeană a drepturilor omului. Dacă Consiliul Europei permite României să nu respecte hotărârile date de CEDO, drepturile noastre nu se bucură de o reală protecţie.
Voi opri greva foamei doar în situaţia în care
1. Guvernul României
a) alocă întreaga sumă rămasă necheltuită din proiectul Hădăreni pentru reconstrucţia caselor şi crearea locurilor de muncă pentru victime, cu promisiunea fermă că aceste fonduri nu vor mai fi blocate şi vor putea fi folosite până la mijlocul anului 2009 până la realizarea completă a proiectului;
b) alocă un fond de patru ori mai mare decât cel pentru proiectul Hădăreni celor două proiecte din comuna Plăieşii de Jos (Caşinul Nou şi Plăieşii de Sus),
2. Comitetul de Miniştri al Consiliul Europei ia măsuri concrete de sancţionare a României pentru nerespectarea hotărârilor CEDO.
Precizez că pentru protejarea sănătăţii mele, voi consuma zilnic o tabletă de multivitamine şi 1/2 litru de iaurt, lapte bătut sau sana.
Precizez şi faptul că această acţiune, despre care voi informa presa şi unele ambasade în mod periodic, nu are legătură cu statutul meu actual de membru în Colegiul Director al Consiliului Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării, cu rang de secretar de stat.
Haller István
Informare pentru presă
Greva foamei pentru nerespectarea hotărârilor CEDO
Prin soluţionarea amiabilă a cazurilor Moldovan şi alţii împotriva României (5 iulie 2005), Kalanyos şi alţii împotriva României (26 aprilie 2007) şi Gergely împotriva României (26 aprilie 2007) Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului a luat act de declaraţia Guvernului României prin care acesta s-a angajat să adopte măsuri generale în scopul combaterii discriminării romilor, urmând ca respectarea acestor angajamente să fie monitorizată de către Comitetul de Miniştri al Consiliul Europei.
În primul caz s-a elaborat un proiect la nivelul satului Hădăreni, care însă nu a fost finalizat, Guvernul blocând în mod repetat fondurile alocate (nefiind realizat până în momentul de faţă obiectul principal al proiectului, şi anume reconstrucţia caselor distruse şi crearea de locuri de muncă, Guvernul României), în cel de-al doilea şi treilea caz Guvernul României a renunţat la proiecte sub pretextul că primarul din comuna Plăieşii de Jos s-ar opune acestora.
Comitetul de Miniştri al Consiliul Europei, deşi informat de situaţie, nu a luat nici o măsură.
Fiind implicat în soluţionarea acestor cazuri, văzând că guvernele României din 1993 şi până azi au mnţit în mod repetat atât romii din Hădăreni cât şi opinia publică românească şi internaţională, am decis să declanşez greva foamei pentru a obţine respectarea hotărârilor date de CEDO. Acţiunea mea nu priveşte doar victimele acestor cazuri, ci toate persoanele aflate pe teritoriul României, care pot deveni victimele unor abuzuri ale autorităţilor, şi care au nevoie de protecţia oferită de Convenţia europeană a drepturilor omului. Dacă Consiliul Europei permite României să nu respecte hotărârile date de CEDO, drepturile noastre nu se bucură de o reală protecţie.
Voi opri greva foamei doar în situaţia în care
1. Guvernul României
a) alocă întreaga sumă rămasă necheltuită din proiectul Hădăreni pentru reconstrucţia caselor şi crearea locurilor de muncă pentru victime, cu promisiunea fermă că aceste fonduri nu vor mai fi blocate şi vor putea fi folosite până la mijlocul anului 2009 până la realizarea completă a proiectului;
b) alocă un fond de patru ori mai mare decât cel pentru proiectul Hădăreni celor două proiecte din comuna Plăieşii de Jos (Caşinul Nou şi Plăieşii de Sus),
2. Comitetul de Miniştri al Consiliul Europei ia măsuri concrete de sancţionare a României pentru nerespectarea hotărârilor CEDO.
Precizez că pentru protejarea sănătăţii mele, voi consuma zilnic o tabletă de multivitamine şi 1/2 litru de iaurt, lapte bătut sau sana.
Precizez şi faptul că această acţiune, despre care voi informa presa şi unele ambasade în mod periodic, nu are legătură cu statutul meu actual de membru în Colegiul Director al Consiliului Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării, cu rang de secretar de stat.
Haller István
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Link nou
Am adaugat un nou link in barul din dreapta la rubrica human rights - European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights. Prezenta unui nou outfit de drepturile omului cu deschidere spre exterior, care, prin exceptie, nu provine din lumea anglo-saxona este salutara in sine. Pe langa acest aspect, ei se ocupa cu seriozitate si aplicat de chestii interesante precum raspunderea corporatiilor transnationale pentru incalcarea drepturilor omului sau practica de 'extraordinary rendition' din pdv european. Happy reading.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
8 septembrie 2008
Primaria Capitalei vrea rezolvarea problemelor de la Pasajul Basarab
prin dizolvarea ONG-urilor care s-au ocupat de caz!
Reprezentantii Centrului de Resurse Juridice (CRJ) impreuna cu cei ai
Fundatiei TERRA Mileniul III au organizat astazi la Sala Jad a
UZINEXPORT o conferinta de presa in cadrul careia au prezentat
cererea de dizolvare a celor doua organizatii neguvernametale
formulata de Primaria Capitalei. Cererea de dizolvare a fost depusa in
luna iulie la Judecatoria Sectorului 2.
In cererea de dizolvare se face trimitere explicita la faptul ca CRJ
si Terra Mileniul III au solicitat Tribunalului Bucuresti anularea
Hotararii Consiliului General al Municipiului Bucuresti de declarare a
utilitatii publice a Pasajului Basarab pe motive de nelegalitate.
Cererea a fost admisa de instanta de fond, iar hotararea a fost
anulata in data de 9 aprilie 2008.
Acuzatiile aduse de catre Primaria Capitalei celor doua fundatii se
refera la derularea de activitati ilicite, impotriva ordinii publice,
fiind citate in mod trunchiat pasaje din documentele statutare ale
celor doua ONG-uri.
Mai precis, Primaria Capitalei arata ca cele doua fundatii au scopuri
contrare legislatiei in vigoare. Primaria acuza Centrul de Resurse
Juridice si Fundatia TERRA Mileniul III ca acorda asistenta juridica
si reprezentare in instanta in mod nelegal.
De asemenea, Primaria mentioneaza intentia de formulare a unei
plangeri de urmarire penala privind infractiunea de exercitare a unei
profesii fara drept si cea de subminare a economiei nationale.
Precizari privind procesul Pasajului Basarab:
In data de 9 aprilie 2008 Tribunalul Bucuresti a admis actiunea
introdusa de Centrul de Resurse Juridice si Fundatia TERRA Mileniul
III prin care a fost anulata hotararea de declarare a utilitatii
publice a Pasajului Suprateran Basarab. Instanata de judecata a
hotarat ca declararea Pasajului Suprateran Basarab (drept utilitate
publica) s-a facut nelegal, cu incalcarea Legii nr. 33/1994 privind
exproprierea pentru utilitate publica.
Chestiunile juridice care au facut temeiul actiunii invocate de cele
doua fundatii reclamante au avut in vedere urmatoarele:
- faptul ca monumentele istorice pot fi expropriate numai prin
lege si nu prin hotararea consiliului local;
- inexistenta unei documentatii de urbanism legal aprobata la
momentul efectuarii cercetarii prealabile si a aprobarii hotararii nr.
160/2006 privind declararea constructiei Pasajului Suprateran Basarab
ca fiind de utilitate publica;
- constituirea nelegala a comisiei pentru efectuarea
cercetarii prealabile in vederea luarii deciziei de declarare a
constructiei ca fiind de utilitate publica;
- convocarea nelegala a consilierilor municipali la data
adoptarii hotararii.
Precizam ca atat Centrul de Resurse Juridice, cat si Fundatia Terra
Mileniul III actioneaza in temeiul documentelor statutare prin care au
fost infiinţ ate, iar acuzatiile aduse in vederea dizolvarii nu au
temei legal. Atat CRJ cat si Terra Mileniul III deruleaza procese-test
in instanta cu sprijinul cabinetelor de avocatura colaboratoare si
aceste activitati nu produc venituri pentru nici una dintre entitati.
In acelasi timp, nici CRJ si nici Terra Mileniul III nu acorda
servicii de asistenta juridica nici contra cost si nici gratuit.
Primaria Capitalei vrea rezolvarea problemelor de la Pasajul Basarab
prin dizolvarea ONG-urilor care s-au ocupat de caz!
Reprezentantii Centrului de Resurse Juridice (CRJ) impreuna cu cei ai
Fundatiei TERRA Mileniul III au organizat astazi la Sala Jad a
UZINEXPORT o conferinta de presa in cadrul careia au prezentat
cererea de dizolvare a celor doua organizatii neguvernametale
formulata de Primaria Capitalei. Cererea de dizolvare a fost depusa in
luna iulie la Judecatoria Sectorului 2.
In cererea de dizolvare se face trimitere explicita la faptul ca CRJ
si Terra Mileniul III au solicitat Tribunalului Bucuresti anularea
Hotararii Consiliului General al Municipiului Bucuresti de declarare a
utilitatii publice a Pasajului Basarab pe motive de nelegalitate.
Cererea a fost admisa de instanta de fond, iar hotararea a fost
anulata in data de 9 aprilie 2008.
Acuzatiile aduse de catre Primaria Capitalei celor doua fundatii se
refera la derularea de activitati ilicite, impotriva ordinii publice,
fiind citate in mod trunchiat pasaje din documentele statutare ale
celor doua ONG-uri.
Mai precis, Primaria Capitalei arata ca cele doua fundatii au scopuri
contrare legislatiei in vigoare. Primaria acuza Centrul de Resurse
Juridice si Fundatia TERRA Mileniul III ca acorda asistenta juridica
si reprezentare in instanta in mod nelegal.
De asemenea, Primaria mentioneaza intentia de formulare a unei
plangeri de urmarire penala privind infractiunea de exercitare a unei
profesii fara drept si cea de subminare a economiei nationale.
Precizari privind procesul Pasajului Basarab:
In data de 9 aprilie 2008 Tribunalul Bucuresti a admis actiunea
introdusa de Centrul de Resurse Juridice si Fundatia TERRA Mileniul
III prin care a fost anulata hotararea de declarare a utilitatii
publice a Pasajului Suprateran Basarab. Instanata de judecata a
hotarat ca declararea Pasajului Suprateran Basarab (drept utilitate
publica) s-a facut nelegal, cu incalcarea Legii nr. 33/1994 privind
exproprierea pentru utilitate publica.
Chestiunile juridice care au facut temeiul actiunii invocate de cele
doua fundatii reclamante au avut in vedere urmatoarele:
- faptul ca monumentele istorice pot fi expropriate numai prin
lege si nu prin hotararea consiliului local;
- inexistenta unei documentatii de urbanism legal aprobata la
momentul efectuarii cercetarii prealabile si a aprobarii hotararii nr.
160/2006 privind declararea constructiei Pasajului Suprateran Basarab
ca fiind de utilitate publica;
- constituirea nelegala a comisiei pentru efectuarea
cercetarii prealabile in vederea luarii deciziei de declarare a
constructiei ca fiind de utilitate publica;
- convocarea nelegala a consilierilor municipali la data
adoptarii hotararii.
Precizam ca atat Centrul de Resurse Juridice, cat si Fundatia Terra
Mileniul III actioneaza in temeiul documentelor statutare prin care au
fost infiinţ ate, iar acuzatiile aduse in vederea dizolvarii nu au
temei legal. Atat CRJ cat si Terra Mileniul III deruleaza procese-test
in instanta cu sprijinul cabinetelor de avocatura colaboratoare si
aceste activitati nu produc venituri pentru nici una dintre entitati.
In acelasi timp, nici CRJ si nici Terra Mileniul III nu acorda
servicii de asistenta juridica nici contra cost si nici gratuit.
Friday, 20 June 2008
Solutia finala a la Popricani
Conform editiei de azi a Ziarului de Iasi, la Centrul de integrare prin terapie ocupationala din Popricani (undeva la tzara) urmeaza a fi amenajat un padoc cu o capacitate de 50 de caini vagabonzi. Conform functionarilor Consiliului judetean astfel se impusca doi iepuri dintr-o lovitura - sccapam de cainii vagabonzi si in acelasi timp le asiguram terapie ocupationala rezidentilor de la Popricani.
Permiteti-mi sa fiu scandalizat. Ce fel de terapie ocupationala este ingrijirea cainilor vagabonzi? Ce fel de skilluri vor invata bietii rezidenti de la Popricani avand grija de caini pe care apoi sa le foloseasca in comunitate (acesta fiind scopul ultim al acestor terapii - reintegrarea in comunitate)? Si chiar, i-a intrebat cineva pe rezidenti daca vor sa se ocupe de cainii vagabonzi?
Culmea este ca functionarii de la Primarie, si cei de la Centrul din Popricani (si ziaristul) nu observa nerozia sugestiei, chiar poate se cred geniali si generosi. Ironia acestei propuneri e ca si persoanele cu handicap si cainii vagabonzi au chiar multe in comun (in Romania). Si daca tinem seama de trecutul nu prea indepartat, o data ce izolam cainii si nebunii la Popricani, ii lasam sa moara acolo, si apoi reproducem acest proiect la scara intregii tari. Si gata.
Permiteti-mi sa fiu scandalizat. Ce fel de terapie ocupationala este ingrijirea cainilor vagabonzi? Ce fel de skilluri vor invata bietii rezidenti de la Popricani avand grija de caini pe care apoi sa le foloseasca in comunitate (acesta fiind scopul ultim al acestor terapii - reintegrarea in comunitate)? Si chiar, i-a intrebat cineva pe rezidenti daca vor sa se ocupe de cainii vagabonzi?
Culmea este ca functionarii de la Primarie, si cei de la Centrul din Popricani (si ziaristul) nu observa nerozia sugestiei, chiar poate se cred geniali si generosi. Ironia acestei propuneri e ca si persoanele cu handicap si cainii vagabonzi au chiar multe in comun (in Romania). Si daca tinem seama de trecutul nu prea indepartat, o data ce izolam cainii si nebunii la Popricani, ii lasam sa moara acolo, si apoi reproducem acest proiect la scara intregii tari. Si gata.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Some of my work
Below a letter containing the latest news on a campaign I've been coordinating for a while now.
Re: Urgent action to improve the living conditions of Romani communities in Tulcea
Dear Mayor Hogea,
The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH) are today requesting your urgent intervention in order to improve the housing conditions of previously forcibly evicted Romani families in Tulcea, Romania. Such action is imperative particularly in light of the judgment dated 27 November 2007 and communicated to the ERRC and APADOR-CH at the end of February 2008, in which the Tulcea Court of First Instance ordered your office to undertake all necessary and urgent repair and maintenance work required to bring the buildings situated at 8-14 Portului Street (in the area locally known as “Pichet”) to a standard fit for human habitation.
We have drawn your attention to the plight of the 23 Romani families who had been forcibly evicted from their flats at 5 Alunisului Street in letters sent to your office on 27 October 2006 and 16 February 2007. Of these 23 families 17 were relocated to Pichet, and are covered by the above-mentioned judgment. The remaining six families were allocated cabins situated on a former garbage dump on Urzicii Street after having spent two months sleeping rough on the streets subsequent to the October 2006 eviction. Despite our appeals, the living conditions of the Roma concerned have became considerably worse, as attested by the court’s judgment.
In the above mentioned judgment, based on extensive fact-finding, including an on-site investigation, the Tulcea First Instance Court concluded that “presently, [the buildings on Portului Street] are clearly inadequate for human habitation.” The only positive development of last year was when the three buildings were belatedly hooked up to the electricity grid in April 2007. This notwithstanding, the buildings started showing considerable structural deficiencies due to the lack of maintenance/refurbishment over an extended period of time. The water from the rain and snow infiltrated large portions of the walls located immediately underneath the roof causing the flats to become damp. None of the buildings have a functioning sewage system, and in one building ground floor occupants are affected by periodic spills of raw sewage from common toilets located on the upper floor. The tenants are thus prevented from using the toilets. In addition, water provision has become increasingly erratic, being interrupted for days at a stretch. The lack of functional toilets in the three buildings, the interruption of garbage collection and chaotic water works in the settlement have created a health hazard, especially for the children. Finally, public transport linking the settlement to downtown Tulcea has been stopped, forcing children in the settlement to drop out of school, amongst other consequences.
ERRC and APADOR-CH however also believe that the aforementioned judgment is of relevance to the remaining Romani families left homeless after the October 2006 eviction who indeed live under even worse conditions than the community on Portului Street. More specifically, our two organisations are extremely concerned by the living conditions of the six families living in cabins located on a former garbage dump on the Urzicii Street. Although the measure of moving the Roma in these cabins was initially supposed to be a temporary one, the Municipality shows no signs of looking for an alternative, long term solution. The cabins on the garbage dump are lacking the most elementary facilities such as heating, water, sanitation. Moreover, these cabins deteriorated markedly: the bottom part in some of them fell in and the holes were covered with planks of wood; others tipped on a side, sinking in the thin soil layer covering the garbage dump. The whole area is very harmful for the health of its inhabitants and appears to be infested with rats.
Dear Mayor Hogea, the ERRC and APADOR have repeatedly called on your office to provide an adequate housing solution for the Romani families forcibly evicted from Alunisului Street in 2006. The judgment delivered by the Tulcea First Instance Court provides legal recognition of the deplorable living conditions of the Roma families living at Portului Street and renders it imperative that your office takes all the necessary measures in order to address this situation. To this effect, the ERRC and APADOR call on your office to implement, in the shortest time possible, the Tulcea First Instance Court’s order to undertake all necessary and urgent repair and maintenance work required to bring the buildings situated at 8-14 Portului Street to an adequate standard. We further request that you seize this opportunity to provide an adequate housing solution for the Romani families living on the garbage dump situated on Urzicii Street.
We believe that the above clearly point to the measures your municipality needs to adopt in order to meet the relevant international law provisions as well as conform with the Tulcea’s First Instance Court’s judgment of 27 November 2007. To this end, we would like to affirm that we are willing to work together with you in addressing what is a deplorable situation not benefiting your municipality.
We respectfully request to be informed of any and all actions undertaken by your office in this regard, and would welcome the opportunity to contribute to the implementation of the Tulcea First Instance Court’s decision.
Diana-Olivia Hatneanu
Executive Director
Romanian Helsinki Committee
Vera Egenberger
Executive Director
European Roma Rights Centre
Re: Urgent action to improve the living conditions of Romani communities in Tulcea
Dear Mayor Hogea,
The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH) are today requesting your urgent intervention in order to improve the housing conditions of previously forcibly evicted Romani families in Tulcea, Romania. Such action is imperative particularly in light of the judgment dated 27 November 2007 and communicated to the ERRC and APADOR-CH at the end of February 2008, in which the Tulcea Court of First Instance ordered your office to undertake all necessary and urgent repair and maintenance work required to bring the buildings situated at 8-14 Portului Street (in the area locally known as “Pichet”) to a standard fit for human habitation.
We have drawn your attention to the plight of the 23 Romani families who had been forcibly evicted from their flats at 5 Alunisului Street in letters sent to your office on 27 October 2006 and 16 February 2007. Of these 23 families 17 were relocated to Pichet, and are covered by the above-mentioned judgment. The remaining six families were allocated cabins situated on a former garbage dump on Urzicii Street after having spent two months sleeping rough on the streets subsequent to the October 2006 eviction. Despite our appeals, the living conditions of the Roma concerned have became considerably worse, as attested by the court’s judgment.
In the above mentioned judgment, based on extensive fact-finding, including an on-site investigation, the Tulcea First Instance Court concluded that “presently, [the buildings on Portului Street] are clearly inadequate for human habitation.” The only positive development of last year was when the three buildings were belatedly hooked up to the electricity grid in April 2007. This notwithstanding, the buildings started showing considerable structural deficiencies due to the lack of maintenance/refurbishment over an extended period of time. The water from the rain and snow infiltrated large portions of the walls located immediately underneath the roof causing the flats to become damp. None of the buildings have a functioning sewage system, and in one building ground floor occupants are affected by periodic spills of raw sewage from common toilets located on the upper floor. The tenants are thus prevented from using the toilets. In addition, water provision has become increasingly erratic, being interrupted for days at a stretch. The lack of functional toilets in the three buildings, the interruption of garbage collection and chaotic water works in the settlement have created a health hazard, especially for the children. Finally, public transport linking the settlement to downtown Tulcea has been stopped, forcing children in the settlement to drop out of school, amongst other consequences.
ERRC and APADOR-CH however also believe that the aforementioned judgment is of relevance to the remaining Romani families left homeless after the October 2006 eviction who indeed live under even worse conditions than the community on Portului Street. More specifically, our two organisations are extremely concerned by the living conditions of the six families living in cabins located on a former garbage dump on the Urzicii Street. Although the measure of moving the Roma in these cabins was initially supposed to be a temporary one, the Municipality shows no signs of looking for an alternative, long term solution. The cabins on the garbage dump are lacking the most elementary facilities such as heating, water, sanitation. Moreover, these cabins deteriorated markedly: the bottom part in some of them fell in and the holes were covered with planks of wood; others tipped on a side, sinking in the thin soil layer covering the garbage dump. The whole area is very harmful for the health of its inhabitants and appears to be infested with rats.
Dear Mayor Hogea, the ERRC and APADOR have repeatedly called on your office to provide an adequate housing solution for the Romani families forcibly evicted from Alunisului Street in 2006. The judgment delivered by the Tulcea First Instance Court provides legal recognition of the deplorable living conditions of the Roma families living at Portului Street and renders it imperative that your office takes all the necessary measures in order to address this situation. To this effect, the ERRC and APADOR call on your office to implement, in the shortest time possible, the Tulcea First Instance Court’s order to undertake all necessary and urgent repair and maintenance work required to bring the buildings situated at 8-14 Portului Street to an adequate standard. We further request that you seize this opportunity to provide an adequate housing solution for the Romani families living on the garbage dump situated on Urzicii Street.
We believe that the above clearly point to the measures your municipality needs to adopt in order to meet the relevant international law provisions as well as conform with the Tulcea’s First Instance Court’s judgment of 27 November 2007. To this end, we would like to affirm that we are willing to work together with you in addressing what is a deplorable situation not benefiting your municipality.
We respectfully request to be informed of any and all actions undertaken by your office in this regard, and would welcome the opportunity to contribute to the implementation of the Tulcea First Instance Court’s decision.
Diana-Olivia Hatneanu
Executive Director
Romanian Helsinki Committee
Vera Egenberger
Executive Director
European Roma Rights Centre
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Monica Lovinescu
Cu riscul de a transforma acest blog intr-un obituar, trebuie sa marchez moartea Monicai Lovinescu. Singurul mod in care am luat contact cu ea a fost prin intermediul Jurnalului, precum si sporadic din presa, sau atunci cand de exemplu nu i-a fost acordata posibilitatea de a sustine o cuvantare in Universitatea Iasi. Nu am avut ocazia din pacate sa ascult emisiunile sale pe Europa Libera.
Nu vreau sa spun mai mult decat ca Monica Lovinescu este un reper moral incontestabil intr-o lume extrem de fluida din acest punct de vedere. Insusi faptul ca nu s-a intors in Romania dupa 1989 observand si comentand de la distanta marasmul post decembrist e poate o dovada ca inca nu am iesit din comunism. Poate ca acest moment il astepta ea. In rest, Monica Lovinescu a avut o istorie pasionanta - cititi de exemplu Cotidianul zilele astea, pana cand subiectul nu se pierde in uitare.

(fotografie preluata de pe
Nu vreau sa spun mai mult decat ca Monica Lovinescu este un reper moral incontestabil intr-o lume extrem de fluida din acest punct de vedere. Insusi faptul ca nu s-a intors in Romania dupa 1989 observand si comentand de la distanta marasmul post decembrist e poate o dovada ca inca nu am iesit din comunism. Poate ca acest moment il astepta ea. In rest, Monica Lovinescu a avut o istorie pasionanta - cititi de exemplu Cotidianul zilele astea, pana cand subiectul nu se pierde in uitare.

(fotografie preluata de pe
Saturday, 29 March 2008
How to get locked up in a psychiatric hospital in three easy steps
The recent judgment from the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Shtkaturov v Russia is groundbeaking for a number of reasons. For the time being, I thought it would be interesting to flag out the reasons why Mr. Shtukaturov lost his legal capacity (for good), was placed under guardianship (for good), and was institutionalised in a psychiatric hospital (indefinitely). Here is the relevant quotation from the medical report that was the basis for the decision to deprive him of all his rights
On 12 November 2004 an expert team from [Sankt Petersburg] Hospital no. 6 examined the applicant and his medical records. The report prepared by the expert team may be summarised as follows. After graduating from the school the applicant worked for a short time as an interpreter. However, some time later he became aggressive, unsympathetic and secluded, and prone to empty philosophizing. He abandoned his job, started attending religious meetings and visiting Buddhist shrines, lost most of his friends, neglected his personal hygiene and became very negative towards his relatives. He suffered from anorexia and was hospitalised in this respect.
The lessons from poor Mr.Shtukaturov's case are obvious - always act happy, wash your teeth every morning, go to church, get a boring job, and you're safe.
On 12 November 2004 an expert team from [Sankt Petersburg] Hospital no. 6 examined the applicant and his medical records. The report prepared by the expert team may be summarised as follows. After graduating from the school the applicant worked for a short time as an interpreter. However, some time later he became aggressive, unsympathetic and secluded, and prone to empty philosophizing. He abandoned his job, started attending religious meetings and visiting Buddhist shrines, lost most of his friends, neglected his personal hygiene and became very negative towards his relatives. He suffered from anorexia and was hospitalised in this respect.
The lessons from poor Mr.Shtukaturov's case are obvious - always act happy, wash your teeth every morning, go to church, get a boring job, and you're safe.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Way to Go (Casus belli part II)
And there is actually something you can do about it.
Take for example Solidaritatea pentru Constiinta (Solidarity for Conscience), a wonderful non-governmental organisation which is taking on the Church + the Government with limited manpower and very limited funding. They are basically doing it out of and based on exclusively their conviction. Their actions include initiating legal proceedings, organising public protests, engaging the bad guys in public debate etc. Their most important achievements so far are the successful litigation campaign aiming to eliminate religious icons from schools and stalling the megalomaniac People's Cathedral project for more years. They are a great example of public engagement (others would say 'exagerated activism:)that turns a previously discrete issue on its head into a major issue of public contention.
Second, you can follow the example of my friend Theo Alexandridis, a lawyer who is confronting an even more entrenched adversary in Greece. Recently he won a case against Greece at the European Court of Human Rights concerning the obligation in that country to take a religious oath upon admission into the Bar Association. The Court held that Greece was in breach of Article 9 of the Convention concerning freedom of religion on account of the fact that by taking the oath, Theo was obliged to reveal his religious conviction. As a result, Greece will most likely have to cancel the religious oath altogether.
The tenor of this message is that as long as you give a damn about the world you live in it is worth/possible to put up a fight.
Take for example Solidaritatea pentru Constiinta (Solidarity for Conscience), a wonderful non-governmental organisation which is taking on the Church + the Government with limited manpower and very limited funding. They are basically doing it out of and based on exclusively their conviction. Their actions include initiating legal proceedings, organising public protests, engaging the bad guys in public debate etc. Their most important achievements so far are the successful litigation campaign aiming to eliminate religious icons from schools and stalling the megalomaniac People's Cathedral project for more years. They are a great example of public engagement (others would say 'exagerated activism:)that turns a previously discrete issue on its head into a major issue of public contention.
Second, you can follow the example of my friend Theo Alexandridis, a lawyer who is confronting an even more entrenched adversary in Greece. Recently he won a case against Greece at the European Court of Human Rights concerning the obligation in that country to take a religious oath upon admission into the Bar Association. The Court held that Greece was in breach of Article 9 of the Convention concerning freedom of religion on account of the fact that by taking the oath, Theo was obliged to reveal his religious conviction. As a result, Greece will most likely have to cancel the religious oath altogether.
The tenor of this message is that as long as you give a damn about the world you live in it is worth/possible to put up a fight.
Friday, 29 February 2008
Casus belli
In case you did not notice it already, the recently-appointed head of the Romanian Orthodox Church is taking an increasingly agressive and assertive stance in relation to what it regards as its rightful monopoly over Romanian souls and (also) minds. The following are just a few worrisome developments of late that indicate such approach.
1. The project for the People’s Cathedral was given the go ahead by the Government and will probably proceed despite widespread protest. The proposed location alone – behind the horrendous pile of the People’s House – proves we have learned nothing from the past;
2. The audio-visual watchdog (CNA) is recommending private cable operators to include in their offer the Orthodox Church-owned TV station Trinitas;
3. Evolutionism was quietly removed from school curricula;
4. There is widespread resistance from all segments of society, as well as from sections of the Government to implementing in good faith the court decisions mandating the elimination of religious symbols from schools;
5. Most recently following negotiations between the recognized religions and the Government the teaching of religion in school became mandatory for kids up to 16 years of age;
6. The main public radio station is ignoring calls to eliminate the prayer broadcast at the beginning and end of its daily programme together with the national anthem
The most frequently cited reason used by the State to justify cozying up with the Church is the good influence that this institution supposedly has on the morals of the country and education of youth. It would be - the argument goes - a counterbalance to violence, drugs etc. There are at least three problems with this argument. First, Orthodox clergy at all levels are compromised by strong suspicions of having collaborated with the Communist Securitate which they managed to dodge so far. Second, the Church is an inherently intolerant teacher; moreover, their teachings may contradict some of the present policies of the State. Third,by allowing the Church to permeate all fields of life,populist politicians and arguments (ie Becali) are given an unexpected lease of life. And we don't want that.
1. The project for the People’s Cathedral was given the go ahead by the Government and will probably proceed despite widespread protest. The proposed location alone – behind the horrendous pile of the People’s House – proves we have learned nothing from the past;
2. The audio-visual watchdog (CNA) is recommending private cable operators to include in their offer the Orthodox Church-owned TV station Trinitas;
3. Evolutionism was quietly removed from school curricula;
4. There is widespread resistance from all segments of society, as well as from sections of the Government to implementing in good faith the court decisions mandating the elimination of religious symbols from schools;
5. Most recently following negotiations between the recognized religions and the Government the teaching of religion in school became mandatory for kids up to 16 years of age;
6. The main public radio station is ignoring calls to eliminate the prayer broadcast at the beginning and end of its daily programme together with the national anthem
The most frequently cited reason used by the State to justify cozying up with the Church is the good influence that this institution supposedly has on the morals of the country and education of youth. It would be - the argument goes - a counterbalance to violence, drugs etc. There are at least three problems with this argument. First, Orthodox clergy at all levels are compromised by strong suspicions of having collaborated with the Communist Securitate which they managed to dodge so far. Second, the Church is an inherently intolerant teacher; moreover, their teachings may contradict some of the present policies of the State. Third,by allowing the Church to permeate all fields of life,populist politicians and arguments (ie Becali) are given an unexpected lease of life. And we don't want that.
Monday, 25 February 2008
Romania sinks deeper in illegal flights scandal
The Washington Post presented new evidence of the use by the US of the military basis in Mihail Kogalniceanu for illegal transfers of terrorism suspects. The Post cites a top Romanian military official with access to the basis who witnessed a number of suspicious happenings on the airport. According to the article, only very few high-level Romanian politicians such as the former and the present presidents are aware of these operations. The findings in the article were presented in a number of Romanian media outlets, such as HERE. It is also interesting to note that recently the UK admitted that the US had used one of its military basis in the Indian Ocean for transferring terror suspects, despite having previously denied it.
So far the prevailing view in Romania on such allegations has been as follows: a) politicians are denying such incidents ever took place (I remember former Romanian foreign affairs minister Ungureanu during a lecture at Chatham House in London aggressively responding to such allegations raised by members of the audience); b) same politicians and media are taking these accusations lightly (such as otherwise sensible weekly 22, or as manifest in the weakness of the official investigatory mechanisms set up by the Romanian Parliament on this occasion) and c) civil society (with some exceptions) are complacent and indifferent.
Without doubt, Romania is complicit in the serious breach by the US of human rights of terror suspects by allowing the Americans to use its territory for operations such as those described in the Post article. The question is when the huge lie perpetrated by the politicians will be exposed. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
So far the prevailing view in Romania on such allegations has been as follows: a) politicians are denying such incidents ever took place (I remember former Romanian foreign affairs minister Ungureanu during a lecture at Chatham House in London aggressively responding to such allegations raised by members of the audience); b) same politicians and media are taking these accusations lightly (such as otherwise sensible weekly 22, or as manifest in the weakness of the official investigatory mechanisms set up by the Romanian Parliament on this occasion) and c) civil society (with some exceptions) are complacent and indifferent.
Without doubt, Romania is complicit in the serious breach by the US of human rights of terror suspects by allowing the Americans to use its territory for operations such as those described in the Post article. The question is when the huge lie perpetrated by the politicians will be exposed. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Despre imagine la romani
S-ar putea sa fi aflat si voi ca la inceputul acestei saptamani un scandal de scurta durata alimentat in principal de tabloide a izbucnit in Marea Britanie in legatura cu o presupusa retea de traficanti romani de etnie roma care aduceau copii de la un an in sus din Romania si ii foloseau pentru savarsirea de infractiuni si alte activitati antisociale. Imaginea din postul anterior face parte de altfel din aceasta campanie. Ultimul The Economist expune minciuna gogonata a tabloidelor, aratand ca politia a gasit doar trei copii, si nu mii cum sustinea Daily Mail si altele, si ca singurele acuzatii aduse impotriva presupusilor traficanti au fost de furt de mobile precum si de incalcare a legislatiei din domeniul imigratiei. Ar fi multe de spus, insa acum as vrea sa comentez putin asupra notiunii de imagine.
In ziua cand scandalul era pe val, am fost solicitat sa dau un interviu unui post de radio local, in calitatea mea de cetatean roman locuind in Londra. Intre altele, reporterul m-a intrebat repetat daca nu sunt deranjat, daca nu mi-e rusine de manifestarile conatioanalilior mei, daca nu impieteaza acestea asupra imaginii cetatenilor romani din Londra etc. Pe scurt, raspunsul meu e ca problema imaginii in acest context e cu doua taisuri – nu are rost sa fiu ingrijorat de ceva ce nu pot controla, respectiv tendinta localnicilor de a se inflama din nimic; in situatia in care intr-adevar constat ca imaginea romanilor se inrautateste, asta spune ceva despre calitatea intelectuala a persoanelor care fac asemenea generalizari, si care nu au invatat inca sa judece fiecare persoana dupa meritele sale individuale, si nu in functie de stereotipurile zilei; in plus, conform aceluiasi rationament englezii ar trebui sa se incuie in casa daca ar cunoaste/le-ar pasa de imaginea pe care o au in afara granitelor, in special din cauza haitelor de tineri betivi care invadeaza weekend de weekend Europa de Est.
In mod simetric, aceeasi obsesie a imaginii o au si romanii – ca ce imagine proasta are Romania in lume, ca din cauza tiganilor, ca nu reusim sa ne facem cunoscuti etc etc. Acestor persoane le spun ca eforturile lor sunt inutile. Atata timp cat situatia in tara este proasta, si imaginea tarii noastre si a romanilor va fi, pe ansamblu, proasta. Se incearca de fapt crearea unei imagini idilice, se matura gunoiul sub pres - o misiune imposibila. Imaginea Romaniei este succesul fenomenal al filmelor sale, dar si saracia medievala in care se zbat romii. Si pentru ca imaginea corespunde realitatii, nu are rost sa-ti fie rusine de ea, sau sa incerci sa o ascunzi, fara ca implicit sa-ti renegi originile.
In sfarsit, argumentul imagine are de foarte multe ori un substrat rasist. Intotdeauna e vorba de tiganii din gara x sau y care ne fac tara de rusine, si nu de politicienii nostri hoti, de huliganii de pe stadioane, de mizeria din Bucuresti etc. Aruncand vina tot timpul pe tigani, ranforsezi segregarea de acasa si excluziunea/marginalizarea acestora. Folosirea acestui argument este in plus terapeutica, ca astfel se arunca vina pe acelasi amarat rom, si, cel putin pentru moment, uitam multele noastre pacate.
In concluzie - mai lasati-ma cu imaginea, si nu, nu mie rusine cu romii.
In ziua cand scandalul era pe val, am fost solicitat sa dau un interviu unui post de radio local, in calitatea mea de cetatean roman locuind in Londra. Intre altele, reporterul m-a intrebat repetat daca nu sunt deranjat, daca nu mi-e rusine de manifestarile conatioanalilior mei, daca nu impieteaza acestea asupra imaginii cetatenilor romani din Londra etc. Pe scurt, raspunsul meu e ca problema imaginii in acest context e cu doua taisuri – nu are rost sa fiu ingrijorat de ceva ce nu pot controla, respectiv tendinta localnicilor de a se inflama din nimic; in situatia in care intr-adevar constat ca imaginea romanilor se inrautateste, asta spune ceva despre calitatea intelectuala a persoanelor care fac asemenea generalizari, si care nu au invatat inca sa judece fiecare persoana dupa meritele sale individuale, si nu in functie de stereotipurile zilei; in plus, conform aceluiasi rationament englezii ar trebui sa se incuie in casa daca ar cunoaste/le-ar pasa de imaginea pe care o au in afara granitelor, in special din cauza haitelor de tineri betivi care invadeaza weekend de weekend Europa de Est.
In mod simetric, aceeasi obsesie a imaginii o au si romanii – ca ce imagine proasta are Romania in lume, ca din cauza tiganilor, ca nu reusim sa ne facem cunoscuti etc etc. Acestor persoane le spun ca eforturile lor sunt inutile. Atata timp cat situatia in tara este proasta, si imaginea tarii noastre si a romanilor va fi, pe ansamblu, proasta. Se incearca de fapt crearea unei imagini idilice, se matura gunoiul sub pres - o misiune imposibila. Imaginea Romaniei este succesul fenomenal al filmelor sale, dar si saracia medievala in care se zbat romii. Si pentru ca imaginea corespunde realitatii, nu are rost sa-ti fie rusine de ea, sau sa incerci sa o ascunzi, fara ca implicit sa-ti renegi originile.
In sfarsit, argumentul imagine are de foarte multe ori un substrat rasist. Intotdeauna e vorba de tiganii din gara x sau y care ne fac tara de rusine, si nu de politicienii nostri hoti, de huliganii de pe stadioane, de mizeria din Bucuresti etc. Aruncand vina tot timpul pe tigani, ranforsezi segregarea de acasa si excluziunea/marginalizarea acestora. Folosirea acestui argument este in plus terapeutica, ca astfel se arunca vina pe acelasi amarat rom, si, cel putin pentru moment, uitam multele noastre pacate.
In concluzie - mai lasati-ma cu imaginea, si nu, nu mie rusine cu romii.
Friday, 25 January 2008
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Noua publicatie online Roma World arata bine, este actualizata permanent, contine stiri si articole scrise de profesionisti referitoare la situatia romilor in Romania dar si din alte parti. Am si eu o rubrica acolo - Drepturile omului - pe care ma voi stradui sa o alimentez periodic cu articole. Primul articol prezinta hotararea CEDO Cobzaru v. Romania - situatia de fapt, explicarea motivarii instantei, si semnificatia hotararii.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Argument against institutionalisation
I thought this was a nice summation of arguments against keeping disabled people locked up in institutions
The Community Imperative
A Refutation of All Arguments
in Support of Institutionalizing Anybody
Because of Mental Retardation
In the domain of Human Rights:
- All people have fundamental moral and constitutional rights;
- These rights must not be abrogated merely because a person has a mental or physical disability.
- Among these fundamental rights is the right to community living.
In the domain of Educational Programming and Human Services:
- All people, as human beings, are inherently valuable;
- All people can grow and develop;
- All people are entitled to conditions which foster their development;
Such conditions are optimally provided in community settings.
In fulfillment of fundamental human rights and in securing optimum developmental opportunities, all people, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, are entitled to community living.
(The Community Imperative declaration, the Center on Human Policy, Syracuse University, 1979)
The Community Imperative
A Refutation of All Arguments
in Support of Institutionalizing Anybody
Because of Mental Retardation
In the domain of Human Rights:
- All people have fundamental moral and constitutional rights;
- These rights must not be abrogated merely because a person has a mental or physical disability.
- Among these fundamental rights is the right to community living.
In the domain of Educational Programming and Human Services:
- All people, as human beings, are inherently valuable;
- All people can grow and develop;
- All people are entitled to conditions which foster their development;
Such conditions are optimally provided in community settings.
In fulfillment of fundamental human rights and in securing optimum developmental opportunities, all people, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, are entitled to community living.
(The Community Imperative declaration, the Center on Human Policy, Syracuse University, 1979)
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